Место для рекламы

Быть или не быть?

What can I say as a man of letter?
That life is tough, but life is good.
I wish I would make it slightly better.
I think I would. But if I could.

I choose between exalted cares,
Esoteric spirit, «Earnest» mind
And simple necessities of bear
And other humble unpretentious kind.

The eternal question «To be or not?»
I decide (of course) — «I am, and I will».
But there is some bothering spot —
How to be over the hill?

But life is unidirectional thing.
You cannot turn the carriage back.
And if somebody was once a King
BEarely will be later a Jack.

Bear-Hamlet is sitting in empty bed
And trying to solve one simple thing
In beautiful mind of sawdust head —
To be a Jack or to be a King?

Опубликовал    15 янв 2020
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Опубликовал  пиктограмма мужчиныЭрнст Галлингер  13 янв 2020


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Опубликовал  пиктограмма мужчиныЭрнст Галлингер  13 янв 2020


Here’s coming the autumn.
The mood’s on the bottom.
The earth is full of leaves
Blue heaven and sun
Are hopelessly gone
Hidden by vicious thieves…

Опубликовал  пиктограмма мужчиныЭрнст Галлингер  13 янв 2020